CA graduation requirements (pdf)
Subject | California Graduation Requirement | CSU Requirements for Freshman Admissions | UC Requirements for Freshman Admissions |
Three years of English
Four years of approved courses | Four years of approved courses |
Two years of mathematics (including Algebra I)
Three years including algebra, intermediate algebra and geometry | Three years including algebra, intermediate algebra and geometry. Four years recommended. |
Social Studies
Three years of social science (including U.S. history and geography; world history, culture, and geography; one semester of American government; and one semester of economics)
Two years, including one year of U.S. history or U.S. history and government and one year of other approved social science. | Two years of history/social science, including one year of U.S. history or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of civics or American government; and one year of world history, cultures, and geography. |
Two years of science (including biology and physical science)
Two years, including one year of biological and one year of physical science with lab. | Two years with lab required, chosen from biology, chemistry, and physics.
Three years recommended.
World Languages
One year of foreign language or visual and performing arts or career technical education. | Two years in same language required. | Two years in same language required.
Three years recommended.
VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS (Art, Music, Drama, Dance) |
One year of foreign language or visual and performing arts or career technical education. | One year of visual and performing arts chosen from the following: dance, drama/theater, music, or visual art. | One year of visual and performing arts chosen from the following: dance, drama/theater, music, or visual art. |
P.E. | Two years of physical education
Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Not Applicable | One year
Must be chosen from approved academic courses in history/social science, English, advanced mathematics, lab science, foreign language, social science, or visual and performing arts. |
One year
Must be chosen from approved academic courses in history/social science, English, advanced mathematics, lab science, foreign language, social science, or visual and performing arts. |